
by SchoolStatus, LLC



The SchoolStatus app allows parents & teachers to communicate quickly and easily

With the SchoolStatus app, you can now stay engaged with your parents from anywhere!nnWith SchoolStatus you can:nFind any of your students contactsnMake private calls from an anonymous numbernSee your engagement historynKeep your data accurate and secure

Read trusted reviews from application customers

I love that both my husband and I are able to get messages through SchoolStatus app. Nice to be able to respond to my daughter's teacher when needed, the app is user friendly.

Emily Raub

Beautifully built. Great functionality. I would be lost without it.

Mark Eddings

Question: how do I create an account?

Jayden & Jacob

I've tried signing in with Google, but it won't let me past the spinning wheel of death. I haven't been able to log in for years now, and I see others are having the same issue. Why had there not been an update to fix this issue?

Miguel Guzman

Doesn't work with my kids school. I rarely get text messages from school status...which really upsets me as a parent. I get the ones from each individual teacher but not campus wide ones.

Jacqalyn Anderson

Nothing is working it wouldn't load. Uninstalled and now it won't reinstall errors out.

Kevin Field

This app is perfect for communication with my students. I've never had an issue with it working, my location is Covington County, Mississippi. LOVE IT.

D.R Evans

I open the app and I click login with Google and it just stays there 🤔🤔🤔

Lucy Zz

It will not let me log in!

-Amanda Hill

Trying to sign in with google does nothing. It lets me type in my school email address, but when I click next it just sits there. I've uninstalled and reinstalled but nothing changed. Even uninstalled my antivirus to see if that helped, but no. I can login through chrome using my phone, but not the app. Another year of no notifications that parents are trying to communicate with me. The last update was December of 2019 if that tells you anything.

Kenny Futch